Why should I be baptised?

Because Jesus commanded this identifying mark for His followers! (See Matthew 28:19-20).
       As Christians, we should be baptised to obey Jesus’ instruction. 

Who can be baptised? 

In the Bible, those who were given Christian baptism were already believers in Jesus. 
Matthew 28:19 identifies those that should be baptised (disciples).
See also Acts 2:38; Acts 8:12; Acts 16:33-34 

Why Immersion? 

We cannot be certain how the first Christians baptised people, and the amount of water involved in baptism is certainly not critical. However, in the Greek language in which the New Testament was written, the word translated “baptise” actually means “to dip”, “to plunge” or “to immerse”. It seems likely that baptism was regularly performed by immersing the whole body in water. When baptism is by immersion, it offers a vivid picture of what it means to become a Christian. If you are being baptised at Bendigo Baptist Church you will be encouraged to make a public statement of your wish to follow Christ, which is such an encouragment for those who are already followers. After the public declaration, you will be fully immersed in water as a representation of being dead in Christ and then coming back out again, representing new life in Christ. 

Interested in being Baptised or want to learn more?

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