At the core of following jesus is love -- Love for God, other, self and the world. In this series, we will explore how love defines and makes a true disciple. Through sacrificial service and radical forgiveness, we will learn how to embody Christ's love in our daily lives. Discover how this divine love transforms us, strengthens our relationships and shines as a light to a world longing for hope and grace. Love is our greatest calling!
In this series, we’ll explore the timeless wisdom of Jesus through His parables—stories crafted to reveal deep spiritual truths. Each week, we’ll hear insights from different voices in our community as they unpack the meaning and relevance of these stories for our lives today. Their insights will inspire us to see God, ourselves, and others through a new lens. Come discover how these stories can shape your journey as a follower of Jesus.
We all yearn for something more in life - connection, fulfilment or even purpose. The season of Christmas reminds us that Jesus Christ came to meet our deepest yearnings. It's in Him that we find real hope, deep peace, great joy and true love.
There are many moments, seasons and even years when we feel overwhelmed by emotions of worry, fear, guilt, shame, anger and jealousy. The Good News is that the transforming power of Jesus helps us to overcome these emotions and to have his heart and attitude. What does Jesus have to say about these powerful, natural emotions? How can we handle these emotions so that we can overcome them and are not overcome by them?
Sometimes we have Guest Speakers who have a one off message to share with us. It might be for a special event we have had, or they had been invited to share about a ministry in which they serve.
You can find those messages here.
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